Richlonn's Tire & Service Center

Auto Parts /Tires/ Service & Repair
Monday - Friday 7:30 am. - 6:00pm
Saturday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Driving Directions:
We are conviently located on the south east corner at the intersection of Janseville Rd and Racine Ave in the former Sindic Oldsmobile building.
About Us
Richlonn's is family owned and locally operated since 1964. We are a full service tire dealer carrying Goodyear, Dunlop, and Kelly branded tire in stock with the access to most other popular tires. All of our service work is covered by a 12 month/12,000 mile nationwide warranty. Warranty work can be completed at any Goodyear Tire & Service Network service center nationwide. We offer our customers a family friendly waiting area, featuring wireless internet, Kuerig Coffee, movie theater popcorn, and more.... A courtesy shuttle will take you to work or home. Come see what makes us a step above the rest.